Summer Tree Care
As we near the end of quarantine and the beginning of Summer many of us are eager to get outside and enjoy our favorite summer activities. Whether you plan to go somewhere or just spend more time utilizing your home’s outdoor space, one important thing to keep in mind is that while the idea of […]
Helping Trees Overcome Drought
Warmer temperatures magnify the effects of drought and in cooler months, many forget drought can still plague trees. Before discussing ways to help trees overcome drought, it’s important to note a few reasons why helping them is so important. Trees Help Control Flooding Wildfires are always a concern when an area has gone an extended […]
Summer: Drought, Bugs + Disease, Oh My!
Summer: Drought, Bugs + Disease, Oh My! It’s finally summer, the season of vacations, barbeque and less obviously, tree-related problems. Drought, bugs and disease (oh my!) reign supreme in these hot summer months. So while you should definitely cut loose and take a break this summer, make sure you’re not forgetting our chlorophyll-filled friends! Here […]
7 Plants to Spruce Up Your Summer Garden
7 Plants to Spruce Up Your Summer Garden Say goodbye to spring and hello to the first official day of summer! Texas weather is notorious for being unpredictable, but one thing’s for sure – summertime is a very hot time. High temperatures and periods of little to no rain can pose some challenges for your […]